Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 4 on the Road

Did not get much sleep, people in the rooms on either side of me left their TVs on ALL night.  Too much noice, even for me.  Did laundry and ate breakfast in the hotel.  Here is something new, you have lot leave you room card in this spot to turn on the lights in the room . . .
Then I stopped in Arcata for memories for Cory and you remember......
 This is when I figured out that I had to go home instead of traveling around....I need to find a job and take care of getting the condo fixed so we can sell it and move.  Sorry Cory and Dean....Maybe for Thanksgiving.   I turned south and went to Loleta to get cheese...
and then I looked around the corner and found this.....

You can get it at or A&W BBQ Sauce at  Then over the bridge and over the dell and off to Ferndale I went.  I did go up a hill and took this pix....
I then went to Garberville to get some bread for lunch and then to Richardson Grove State Park.  Once
again I was the only one in the park.   There was a note on the main gate saying that this park will be closed on 11/1/11,  I tried to climb onto of Wonder Stump - but I slipped off.  So I took this pix...
I then moved over to have lunch and took these pix,,,,

 "Ode to Fire Pit"
           Two thousand years ago these trees were planted
                    they grew slowly, reaching for the sky,
                    flood, earthquakes, and fires could not stop the reach to the heavens
           The trees were spared by the lumberjacks from the 1800s
                   and then came the automobile,  snaking through the trees,
                   I was installed in the 1950s, so that families can spend the night around my heat,
                   in the 70s, they moved the campsites, so I was there for the hot dogs and
                   hamburgers of the picnic,
                   in the 90s, no more picnicers, I was left to be with the redwoods,
           Now no one will use me for warmth or to cook their meals,
                   now time for me to return to the earth where I came, but
                   these redwoods will be here forever, and maybe,
                   they will remember me.....maybe"

I took a couple more pix while I was in the redwoods....

I then got to finally skip a rock on a river (the Eel River)
Once on the coast I found another lighthouse

I then turned to Highway 1 and drove through Fort Bragg and Mendecino...
Look at all the Sea Otters in the water, watched them for a while.....
Then dinner at Tex Wasabi in Santa Rosa.   EARTHQUAKE 4.2 - 50 miles away.  Here is what I had (Jackass Roll, Tootsie Roll, and Was-n-Roll roll) ...
Off to the hotel for blogging and sleep....The only thing I know about what I am doing is going over the Golden Gate Bridge in the AM....Stay tune to fine out.

Hugs,  Redwood Foggy

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