Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 2 on the Road

Don't laugh - I dreamed of skipping rocks on the river.  So I am now ready to go and
find some skipping rocks. (Update: Lots of Road Contruction along the river - no
skipping rocks today.)

After a cup of coffee from Starbucks - I headed west.  Past Shasta....

Then up the twisting hill and into the F O G....

This next picture is for Rita....
After dodging deer, I got to Arcata.  Talking to Cory, I got supplies for Dean and Cory at Los
Bagles.   Then to Eureka via a peek at Samoa Cookhouse.  Off to Old Eureka to the Farmers
Market and the to Patrick's Point to get at campsite.  : (   No campsites.   There was great views...
Then up to see the Redwoods but I had to get past the elk....
but then there they were....
It was fun driving thru the redwoods with the windows down, the top open, and in Hybrid mode - no noise.  Then a pix to make the family smile . . .

Up to Oregon to spend the night in Brookings.   Staying at Westward Inn - in room 121 (hee hee).  The smell of the lumber mill was great as the fog rolled in.....
Over all a great day, looking for to explore tomorrow....

Take care and hugs,
Redwood Foggy

1 comment:

  1. ah,lovely. I especially like the geese; the ocean at Wedding Rock; and a bit of the family connections to places past that you passed. The drive through the Redwoods on the old section ( now called a bypass, which no one should ever bypass) sounded as if the trees were calling you back. I am glad your heart has been warmed by the fog and big trees--it is good to travel with you in spirit. Riat
