Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1 on the Road

Nothing exciting until first break, except the stinky cows.  At my first break, I got to taste cheese at
Anderson's Split Pea in Santa Nella
then I got to buy not one but two of these Rum Balls.....
Then I talked to Dan Lauf on the way to Sacamento.  Sad to hear he was laid-off from work
today.  Had lunch at Cafe Orleans in Old Sacamento - $5.99 Poor Boy.  Not that good.  Then a
quick peek at.....
There was a snack at the Olive Pit - the best for me was the Habanero/Garlic Stuffed Olives with
the Cajun Stuffed Olives #2.   At Redding I had to make decide wither to drive north, drive west,
or stay for the night.   I decided to stay and go west in the morning.  Had dinner at The Cattleman for
free salad and baked potato.  They maked their own dressings - not bad Blue Cheese. With $1 ribs -
 I had 5.

Batck to the hotel to watch "Dancing with the Stars" and blog.  Looking forward to tomorrow
to see redwoods and fog.  My soul needs it.

 Love ya, Redwood Foggy

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a food-filling day: a bit of olive oil; a bit of veggies; a bit of protein; a bit of friendship-- all on the way to finding something to help the soul. Just remember that the heart is connected to the soul... but a man's stomach is not his soul <3 so... what were the rest of the condiments???(since it's all about the condiments-- Riat says, too)
